Let Us Now Praise Unfamous Inventors, Part II: The “Almost-10 Millionth” Patentee

It seems like only yesterday that the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) issued U.S. Pat. No. 9,000,000 for a “windshield washer conditioner” that collects and conditions rainwater or dew from a windshield for use as washer fluid.  And now we’ve surpassed 10,000,000!  If patents were Wonka Bars, the […]

Stone Basket Innovations v. Cook Medical LLC : When Is a Case “Exceptional” for the Purposes of §285?

Stone Basket Innovations (SBI) sued Cook Medical LLC (Cook) for infringement of its patent, U.S. Patent No. 6,551,327 (‘327 Patent) in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas.[1]  Subsequently, the case was transferred to the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana (Southern District).[2]  The […]

Patent Beauty: IP and Hair Care Products

“Your hair is your crowning glory” is an often-quoted phrase with biblical roots.1Perhaps more importantly, one’s hair is a visible barometer of one’s health and age. Hair care products are also big business. The global hair care market reached $85.5 billion in annual sales in 2017. This figure is expected […]

Fluid Catalytic Cracking Patents – 2017, Part I: Catalytic Compositions/Synthesis

This is the first article in a review of patents issued in 2017 in the area of Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC).  The summary below covers six patents related to fluid cracking catalyst compositions/synthesis. One technique for categorizing patents related to Fluid Catalytic Cracking is to group them in certain categories:  […]

From A[pple] to Z[eroclick]: The Federal Circuit Overrules District Court in Zeroclick, LLC v. Apple, Inc.

In Zeroclick, LLC v. Apple Inc., 2017-1267 (Fed. Cir. June 1, 2018), the Federal Circuit overruled the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California for improperly interpreting claims regarding the application of 35 U.S.C. §112, ¶ 6.  The case related to an appeal from an action where Zeroclick had […]

Will Alice Become the New Markman?

Buried amidst the flurry of recent Federal Circuit subject matter eligibility decisions is a question that could significantly change how Section 101 is applied in patent litigation.  Specifically, the issue is whether performing Step 2 of the Mayo/Alice test can require a factual inquiry.  If upheld, this interpretation of Alice could make patent litigation […]